Thursday, April 26, 2007

T.E.T.A.A. Manifesto Video

Report Offenders

Have you witnessed the slaughter of ambient animals in WoW?

Send us a screenshot, or post a video and send us the URL and we will feature it on the blog in order to shame the offending toons into changing their evil ways.

Sign the T.E.T.A.A. Petition to Blizzard

Sign our petition to Blizzard by leaving your name and a comment:

Dear Blizzard:

We, the undersigned, feel that the senseless slaughter of ambient animals in World of Warcraft needs to end. Therefore we are petitioning you to create ambient anmial sanctuary areas on both Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms so that the ambient animals inside World of Warcraft can live in peace and harmony, safely guarded by a coaliton of Horde and Alliance NPC guards.


T.E.T.A.A. and the Undersigned WoW Toons